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Perfect morning on the river, waiting for the big cob to take the bait!
Perfect morning on the river, waiting for the big cob to take the bait!

The most beautifull sunsets awaits you. Lots of sea-fun on the blue flag beach of Witsand, Big Cob fishing on the sea or the river, whales with calfes and lots more!! 

Latest comments

01.02 | 10:34

Is this available via accommodation swap tomorrow and Thursday?

12.10 | 20:00

Het jy blyplek beskibaar einde okt

28.05 | 14:56

Ons is reeds vol bespreek vir daardie tydperk. Jy is welkom om alternatiewe datums te gee

27.05 | 11:13

Middag! Ek wil net weet of julld plek beskikbaar het van 3-8 Jan en wat jul tariewe is? Dis is vir 4 persone
Griete Yvette

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